
Convert py to exe for mac
Convert py to exe for mac

convert py to exe for mac
  1. #Convert py to exe for mac series#
  2. #Convert py to exe for mac download#

Keep in mind also that PyInstaller is not a cross-compiler, i.e. Stack Overflow, the GitHub page, and even just the documentation are life-savers.

convert py to exe for mac

Since it’s popular, chances are that when you have a problem, there’s somebody else who’s already run into it.

  • Is actively maintained, has decent documentation, and relatively popular.
  • Is easy to use - one command in whatever shell you prefer.
  • Works cross-platform: same commands in macOS, Windows, Linux.
  • Checks for dependencies for all files, and puts them into your executable.
  • I’m using PyInstaller to generate an executable for my python files. Turning the project into a self-contained executable file The GUI looks pretty good on all of them, so the cross-platform claim checks out!Ģ. I’ve used PyQt on four different platforms - macOS, Windows, Ubuntu, and elementary OS.

    convert py to exe for mac

  • wxPython: Doesn’t support Python 3, so this was out.
  • Against: Not Qt, but seems decent otherwise. Against: Does not look native, less popular than PyQt/PySide. In favour: Easy to set up, since it’s pre-installed with Python.
  • TkInter: A GUI framework that comes pre-installed with Python.
  • Against: Does not support Qt5, a little bit less well-documented because it’s less well funded than PyQt. In favour: Less restrictive licensing (LGPL instead of GPL).
  • Pyside: Another framework for bindings for Qt.
  • Since my project was open-source anyway and uses the MIT license, this was fine by me. That means that if you distribute the Qt Gui Toolkit as part of your application binary, your program must also be licensed under a GPL-compatible license. Something that you should consider about PyQt5 is that licensed under the GPL 3.0 license.
  • Creating a package in an expected file formatįor creating a GUI in Python, I chose to use PyQt5, a framework that provides Python bindings for the great C++ Qt framework.
  • Turning the project into a self-contained executable file.
  • #Convert py to exe for mac series#

    This is the first part of the series where I write about things I learned while writing a desktop app.

    #Convert py to exe for mac download#

  • Creating a file that users could download in an expected file format.
  • Turning it into a self-contained executable file that does not rely on having Python or other dependencies being installed.
  • Looking native, presenting a GUI when clicked.
  • While I was working on the Quaver Lyrics Finder project (it’s my first time writing Python, please be gentle), I wanted to make it into an easy-to-use program that most people to use.

    Convert py to exe for mac